My Uncle's flooded road and cattle guard. I couldn't even get my pickup through to go see them.
Tractor pulling contest!! Big tractor actually pulling smaller one from being stuck the 4th time, because of wet fields.
Nephew killing his first sage grouse, skinning it and wearing a cocky smile.
Tractor being stuck first go around.
My favorite little buddy Ian who I have missed so much this summer. He is my church sitting buddy. I even bought him some new books for church. Can hardly wait to be with him on Sundays. He reminds me so much of my son, gifted and talented. Ian is so awesome, I love him to bits.
My son working with the famous horse that bucked me off and kicked me in the head. She sure did a number on me, but what a glorious recovery year it has been.
My son loves his horses. They have been such a great thing in his life.
My beautiful daughter with one of her funny faces. She is next to an awesome waterfall we stopped by one day on our way back from picking her up at University.
My back yard around the end of May or first of June. Yes that is snow.
My famous, incredible, loved, obedient, dog sitting on his famous throne as king of the ranch.