Monday, November 3, 2008

Wrangling the Horses

This is the herd of horses (the name is escaping me at the moment for the real term of what the herd of horses are called) that get wrangled each evening on the ranch where Matt works.

They bring them in on a 4-wheeler into a big area and then the horses go to a small contained area that has a rubber chest high fence that is tied off with railroad ties.

One of the buckaroos (that is the name for a cowboy in this part of the country) closes off the area with the remaining rope.

The buckaroo in the middle of the circle has a big whip and snaps it to get the horses attention.

It amazed me that theses horses line up like this each and every time.

The buckaroo in the blue shirt calls out to the other buckroos asking them which horse they want to ride. Then he ropes the horse from the back and pulls him from the circle.

Then they are taken through a gate to a different pasture where they are kept over night and then caught at 4:00 am the next morning to saddle and rode for the day.

Once all the horses are caught the horses are whistled at. They turn and begin to exit the circle.

It was truly an amazing site and adventure for us to see this process. The photos that I took just didn't do it justice.


Julie said...

Wow, you told me about that but the pictures were even better! Glad to have you back, even for just a little while. Call me if you need any help.

NorwayBrowns said...

Shauna, this is so neat to see the other life you lead--at the cattle auction, on the ranch, etc. Count me in for help too!