Sunday, April 19, 2009


Yesterday was an early, busy, emotional, fun, crazy, and disappointing day. Why you ask?!?!? We were up at 5:00 leaving at 6:15 to take the youth to the temple. They were complaining about it being 2 hour drive until we reminded them about what used to be a 2 days trip for us when we were in Norway!! We had two young men with us and they entertained us the whole way with their stories, and music.
There were 19 youth. We did 75 family names for people in the ward, plus some others that the temple needed us to do.
This couple is one set of our old friends from when we lived here before. They are the type that you can rely on at any time and you know they will be there for you.
Then we dashed home because our daughter had a presentation at her school. The school was celebrating it's 50th anniversary. She is giving a presentation in Spanish on Columbia. She had only had one semester of Spanish prior to moving here. But they only had Spanish 2 available to her here so she jumped in with both feet. She actually sounded just the her presenting partner. Not bad for a beginner.

Then we dashed to another part of the school and she played the keyboard for the jazz band and their presentation. There are some rock and rollers in the band. The drummer, and bass guy. So our daughter really has to work hard to rock and roll with them. But she loves it.

Then we were off to a volleyball tournament at the church. As soon as we walked in they needed our daughter. So she dashed off the change clothes and jumped right in. The youth from church get together once a year for a volleyball and basketball tournament. They have alot of fun and get to know each other.

Our final task for the day was to buy a car. My husband has been shopping and had finally thought we had a deal. We got to the dealership to pick out the car, waited around, did the paperwork, was signing the last paper which was that we were being informed that a hail storm had come through and that there might be damage to the car. We quickly said if there is damage we will not take it. Yup you guessed it there were 4 dings in the roof. So the guy got another car that was identical and before we did the paperwork they washed it and yup you guessed it had hail damage also. Our town got hit with a storm a few days ago. This is the third car that we have turned down because of damage. So we headed home tired, and still only with one vehicle. So my taxi days are far from over because it seems that almost every car dealership in our area has damaged cars. The funny thing is though they don't want to sell them for a reduced price either. So who knows what we will do.

All in all it was a great day. It ended coming home to a dinner fixed by my son!! I am one lucky lady.


I dunna ken said...

Whew! I'm tired just reading about your busy day!
Alex you're such an amazing gal!
You'll be well prepared for college.
I really dislike car shopping, uggh.

Julie said...

Good Grief girl! Slow down a little (or tell Alex to). It's good to see that both you and Alex have jumped in with 2 feet! Our temple trip is in May and I sure wish it was a 2 hour drive. Overnight on the train STINKS!

2 Lazy 2 Grandma said...

Amazing day with so much accomplished! Alex you are one of the best with all your talents and uplifting activities!