Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What summer has brought...

This summer has been so different from my past 9 summers. The biggest difference is not being at the ranch. BUT this summer has brought many wonderful things...

Having our daughter spread her wings and go by herself to the ranch, listening to how happy she is there, and thankful she is having special time with Grandpa and Grandma, Auntie and Unc and of course the cousins.

My husband to be able to fly up to the ranch and have a fun week with his childhood friend catching up on the last 9 years.

Time to just concentrate on my health and eating right and for the first time in years feeling pretty normal.

Having one on one time with my son and getting to know him again and loving every minute of the time we spend together. Realizing once again how blessed I am to be his mom.

The sunshine that west Texas bring into my life everyday.

Getting up early in the mornings and walking with Rooster before the sun comes up while there is still a coolness to the air.

Living so close to a temple (2 hours) and being able to pop up on a Saturday for a date with my husband.

Finding turtle after turtle (ok I am not going there on the livestock thing)

Having time to sew a skirt for my daughter.

But more than anything JUST BREATHING and enjoying every minute because I know that soon when school starts it will all change. Our son will once again be on his own at University, our daughter will be a senior and busy with all of her doings, my husband will be busy at work, and then it will be my time to go to the ranch here and there to enjoy all the ranch brings into our lives. (horses, 4-wheelers, my family, the mountains etc.)
Life is about a time and a season.

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