Thursday, January 29, 2009

What I like...

Ok I am not getting as much blogging done as I usually like to do because... I seem to be going the exact same places everyday and doing the exact same things everyday. So I haven't been taking my camera which I have regretted this past couple of days. I could have taken a picture of a coyote, a roadrunner bird, and let see I can't remember what else. So yesterday I grabbed my camera as we were leaving the house for the horse run.
And just as we were finishing up the horse run I was able to catch this beautiful sunset. A couple of minutes earlier and the buildings would have been a little bit lighter. But it is still a thing of beauty.

There are many things about being here that are different. Here is just a couple of things that I like...
1. The sunshine. I love waking up in the morning to the sun and it shinning all day long.
2. Going to the gas pump to fill up my vehicle and having the little thing that leaves the pump on then you can wash the windows, talk to the person next to you, or just hop back in and wait for it to click off. (But my biggest fear with that is it will get stuck and gas will continue to flow even when the tank is full, yes I am paranoid so I watch it carefully from the comfort of my truck.)
3. With Matt's accident being able to pop to Walmart quickly and pick up some softer sheets so that it doesn't rub on his skin, grab some crutches, and other supplies.
BUT what I don't like is...
1. TOO much to choose from. There is way too many things to choose from here.
2. The Unhealthy food that is available. I bought a loaf of bread 10 days ago and it is still good. The only way it is still good is that it is loaded with preservatives. I went to the grocery store and for the first time since we have been here really took my time to see what was out there. I would guess that there is 3/4 of the food that is prepared and only about 1/4 of good wholesome foods. Maybe not quite that much but it just amazes me. I have decided that I am really going to have to read labels if I am going to keep up with my healthy eating here.

Well we are off looking at two more houses today. The man who who gave us some ideas about remodeling came in yesterday and he started just saying about how much things would be and before you know it we probably would be at about the same prices as a new home being built to remodel the old one. So we are rethinking this today.


Becka said...

I'm so glad that you like being back... but i still miss you. I've been in the states for about 2 months. well, i guess you knew that, and now i'm back. Hopefully to move out and be in college in about 6 months! I'm so excited! miss you!

I dunna ken said...

My dear Shauna! I know just what you are saying. I love having year round summer, I swear I'm solar powered. Email me your phone number I would love to catch up.
Love you,

Julie said...

Hey chick! I've read this post about 3 times. How is everything and what are you up to now? How is Alex doing with school/basketball? How is Matt? How are YOU? New post please.