Monday, February 16, 2009

A day out...

On day Matt and I took a drive looking for a sewing repair shop. Driving through a little town we noticed a western store that was closing down. So we popped in. They were closing because of the economy.( We have now had three major stores close here because it. Circuit City, Linen and Things and also this store.)
Anyway Matt found a Stetson hat that was 1/2 it's original price. So we bought it. They also had had steamers there so he decided to use their steamers to start to shape his hat.

It is really hard for him to stand for very long so he sat on a stool but it was hard and hurt so he did some shaping and then we popped to Walmart and bought a kettle so he could finish reshaping it at home.
Finished product. Notice the smiling model. I just love her smile. It just lights up the whole world, room, and our lives.
He still needs to fine tune this part of the hat!! But he is almost there.
There is that cute smile again!!

1 comment:

Alf's boy said...

So that's how they shape them in Texas?