Saturday, February 14, 2009


A tumbleweed is the above-ground part of a plant that, once mature and dry, separates from the root and tumbles (rolls) away in the wind.
And of course the wind blows here so there are tumbleweeds everywhere. Actually the above picture and the below picture were taken on the ranch that our son worked on this past summer. We were driving from the main town out to the head quarters of the ranch and came across this long row of tumbleweeds. If you could walk out into the middle of them I am sure they would be up to my waist based upon where they are on the fence line. BUT of course I wouldn't be walking out there because there is probably a snake right where I would walk. Then it would scare me, I would faint, and the snake would bite me, I would die right there on the spot from either the snake bite or fright. So I just looked at the tumbleweed from the road!!!

A couple of days ago a wind storm came through. It was blowing everything everywhere. It even picked up a pickup and F350 and slammed it against the guardrail. Or so the hairdressers husband said!! But it was blowing like crazy. Most people said the worst they had seen in 25 years. There was huge red cloud that huge over the area. It was the dirt that had been stirred up from the farm ground that hasn't been planted yet. This tumble weed was rolling across the road. I thought they maybe had better post a sign... TUMBLEWEED CROSSING!!!
Have a great Valentines day!!

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