Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I am so inspired again...

I know I have referred you to this blog before... I thought he had closed down the blog, but this morning I went onto it again and read about Paul coming home and his message.
I think that when you go through what he has that you gain a real perspective on life. I am so grateful that he had felt inspired to to share that perspective with all of us. As I sit here this morning with tears in my eyes I am silently thanking my Heavenly Father for my family and home. But for the trials that we seem to be going through. I only hope that my heart may turn as soft and more toward my Heavenly Father's as Paul's has.
There are some things that have inspired me, but I can honestly say that he has had the greatest impact of inspiration on me. That impact being to live every minute and to love everything deeply most importantly my family and Heavenly Father.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A quiet Night at home...

My family has been going so hard lately that we never seem to have time together. So tonight I said enough. I asked my husband and daughter to please plan on staying home. I even skipped out on the Woman's broadcast. I also asked my son but chuckled as I asked him because I knew he already had plans, but I love to see him sputter and trying and be nice about saying no to me wanting a family night!!
Anyway I fixed a mexican dinner of Enchiladas (pictures above)
Bean dip
and the best peach cobbler I have ever tasted. I make my family eat the really weird healthy stuff that I have to eat all week so I take pity on them and go all out for them on the weekends. But keep in mind that I only took a small taste of each of these as my main meal these days is salad. My family ranted and raved about the meal. (Where do you ask did I get these recipes www.pioneerwoman.com.) I have started to use her recipes more and more and not once have I ever been disappointed with the ranting and raving of my family. I also copied her pictures so you could see how good it looks although my pictures don't do it justice!!
Our favorite tradition for family video night is to eat our dinner on TV trays and watch a good movie. Our daughter picked this one for the evening and it was great!! It was a great family video and I would recommend it to anyone.
We started our family video nights many years ago when the kids were little. It was pizza video night, but we are all sick of pizza so we have turned it to mexican night. But more than anything I just love having my family together and spending some quiet, down time.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A fun family home evening...

I heard about this game one morning watching the early morning news. I went to store that day and say it displayed and bought it. It has become one of our favorite family games.
Sorry this is sidewards. My husband was so proud of this one. Especially the looooong word vegetable.

You each play your own game of scrabble against each other. My husband even broke out the dictionary as some of our words were questionable. It made it fun also because there were some Scottish words, and Norwegian words. My brain has been so dead lately that I struggle to make the words and of course came in last every time, but we sure had fun!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Craziness has invaded my home...

Just to remind you that our daughter likes to dress up in crazy outfits!!
A few weekends ago some good friends took their son away to school in a far away land. For that block of time our daughter had two little sisters and boy did she had a blast. They went window shopping at the mall trying on crazy outfits, they talked, painted toenails and fingernails, stay up late and talked, went swimming and...
You guessed it they dressed up in crazy outfits.
They were even brave enough to dress up as we went to some other friends home for a BBQ

I just love how fun my daughter is... She truly is my best girlfriend!!

A Touching Video...

This year again I am teaching early morning seminary to the youth. I have the 15-16 year olds or sophomores as they call themselves. I am constantly out looking for things that will maybe touch their lives. I got an email today for the new Reflections of Christ video and cried all the way through it. I just wanted to share it with all of you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A weekend full of blessings...

I have had a restful weekend and it has been wonderful. If someone would have told me nine months ago that...
I would have a daughter who was so excited to go to a youth dance that was an hour away and who danced most of the dances and talked for an hour after she got home I would have said you were crazy!!
or that
I would have a son who jumped into a suburban with a group of young single adult on Friday and drove 5 hours for a young single adult conference for the weekend with the concluding speaker being President Uchtdorf and then will drive back another five hours I would have said you were crazy!!
But how grateful I am that my children have made such good friends with such good people and are enjoying doing good, fun things.
I am truly a blessed mother!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I am so touched...

This past couple of weeks I have really been struggling with my health again. Through this struggle I have daily checked in on a blog of someone whose health struggles are much more serious. He has truly been an inspiration to me. I am amazed and so touched by his words, attitude and thoughts. I prayed desperately for him that he would receive his new heart, and just sobbed when I read that he did. I have tried to take his words into my heart and to have an understanding of our trials and that they are a blessing in our lives. It amazes me how sometimes we come across someone in our lives who we don't even know personally, and yet they can have such an impact on our lives, our thoughts, and attitudes.
Enjoy spending some time on his blog http://mytricuspidatresia.blogspot.com/
and then his website of music. http://www.paulcardall.com/
May who he is and what he create be as much of an inspiration to you as it has been to me.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

prickly situation...

We went out to the horses tonight to check the water tank and we came out of the pasture with some extras. The pasture a few weeks ago was really green, now everything has died and this is what the weeds left behind.

We went out into the pasture to pet the horses and love on them a little. The soles of the flip flops, crock and gym shoes were covered.

When we realized it we immediately sat down and scrapped them off with the truck keys. Note to ourselves wear leather soled boots or else take a scraper next time.