Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Craziness has invaded my home...

Just to remind you that our daughter likes to dress up in crazy outfits!!
A few weekends ago some good friends took their son away to school in a far away land. For that block of time our daughter had two little sisters and boy did she had a blast. They went window shopping at the mall trying on crazy outfits, they talked, painted toenails and fingernails, stay up late and talked, went swimming and...
You guessed it they dressed up in crazy outfits.
They were even brave enough to dress up as we went to some other friends home for a BBQ

I just love how fun my daughter is... She truly is my best girlfriend!!

1 comment:

I dunna ken said...

What a hoot! I wish I could come over and play with Alex. I enjoyed so much looking over your blog. It makes me way to homesick for you though!! Thanks for the seminary idea, I'm teaching Maren every morning since Jana graduated from seminary last year. Though on occasion she will answer from the other room when Maren is stumped!
I'll be in touch about a cookbook that I'm putting together for Jana's graduation. I know she wants your Sunday waffle recipe for sure.
I just love you to bits!