Monday, September 21, 2009

A weekend full of blessings...

I have had a restful weekend and it has been wonderful. If someone would have told me nine months ago that...
I would have a daughter who was so excited to go to a youth dance that was an hour away and who danced most of the dances and talked for an hour after she got home I would have said you were crazy!!
or that
I would have a son who jumped into a suburban with a group of young single adult on Friday and drove 5 hours for a young single adult conference for the weekend with the concluding speaker being President Uchtdorf and then will drive back another five hours I would have said you were crazy!!
But how grateful I am that my children have made such good friends with such good people and are enjoying doing good, fun things.
I am truly a blessed mother!!


larshannon said...

I'm so very very glad for you and your kids. I wondered where your cowboy son was today, cool.

Delcie said...

I'm so glad you guys are in our ward and that your kids are having fun and making good friends! I know our kids are better for knowing your kids! Thanks for sharing your excellent kids with us! We're the lucky ones!