Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Finding Family from long ago...

We were driving through a small town and my dad said he thought his Grandfather was buried in a cemetery there. So we decide to stop and see if we could find the headstone. We search for about 30 or 40 minutes and couldn't find it. My Dad kept saying that he thought it was some where near the Jones family headstones. Then my husband decided to say a prayer to find it. Within a few minutes his prayer was answered.
My Dad explaining to my husband who all of these people were and how they are related to us.
Not sure what they are saying... But these two are each others best friend. They have such an amazing relationship and love being together, visiting, and exploring.
This is my dad looking at the headstone and talking about his grandfather.
This is my Dad's grandfather's mothers grave.
This is a closeup .
I have always loved genealogy and search out information for years. It is really fun to see my dad getting excited about it.

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