Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 in picutres...

Work never ends...
Team work
A grandfather and grand daughter who love each other dearly
A flying leap...
A precious boy running through a field
Our miracle boy who was so blessed this summer with a new heart
A new life learning to walk
An incredible man my father
A sight that always takes my breath away
A creative artist at work
A wonderful family
An adventure
My son and his favorite creature
An 80th Birthday man
My darling Niece
An New bed, which I love best night sleeps ever.


MEG said...

Sister Whiteside! Wes spoke to me this AM and let me know that you had a blog! Then he filled me in on your accident and recovery. I'm so sorry to hear about it. We haven't been keeping in touch as we should, but are still alive and thriving in Provo. Dan is doing well. He still has a lot of pain, but we were able to adjust our lives so that he is the one who stays home with the kids while I work. (That's probably a bigger blessing than we will ever know. He is a wonderful father!)

Wes says you are in Texas now, and I'm so happy to have your blog to keep in touch!

ours is:

I'll get your address from Wes. Dan will want to talk to you - his mother in Norway!


Megan and Dan Griffin

Brimaca said...

Hey! I loved getting caught up on your blog. I miss you! Those pics were amazing. I too love the Salt Lake Temple. My parents were sealed there and I to them. So beautiful. And tell Alex hi, I love that girl.