Thursday, April 9, 2009


Here is the dinning room. Isn't it lovely, so organized, almost decorated (trying to decide what will go over the buffet a mirror or painting.) Fresh flowers on the table (from a very dear friend). I bet you are saying man have they put it together fast. Well trust me this is the only room that looks like this!! So I go into there and just sit and imagine that a fairly god mother is waving her wand through the rest of the home and making it like this room!!! Hey a person can wish!!
ACTUALLY today I will...
fold many baskets of laundry that came from boxes and the rent house. Remember that was almost two weeks ago!! So I am a little slow what can I say.
Return goodies that didn't work, but hey they looked great in the store.
Venture into the pit of the office/craftroom/and try and make something of this room. It is the last one that needs to be unpacked and as you can see it isn't moving very fast. This is the the room I wish the fairy god mother would appear on. Where is she when you really need her. It isn't like I am asking for a total make over, just a room to be made over!!!
Shuffling bedroom furniture. Alex is finally after all of these years getting some bedroom furniture that wasn't Deana's, then mine, then I am not sure whose, then Alex's. She is so excited. Please contain your anxiousness about the green room that you got a sneak preview of. It was Alex's bedroom and once it is done we will be offering a full showing. But tickets are limited!! So arrive early, feel free to bring your chairs and camp out for guaranteed views!!! If you will be tailgating in the front yard while you wait, please let me know what you are having because I am getting sick of cooking. Actually would you please get with each other and decided who is cooking what on the days leading up to the preview. That was I won't double up on what I am fixing.
Oh yeah I also am doing laundry today. I haven't done it since we moved in so what is that about two weeks now. No wonder my closet has a funny order!!! All those dirty socks. But I told each child that they had to do their own laundry now. I have showed them how and presto they jumped right to it and are wearing clean sparkling clothes everyday. Not!!! the son strolled out in a wrinkled shirt and filthy jeans yesterday, Alex has on pants she has worn I think a couple of times already, and a wrinkled golf shirt her father gave her (she made such a fuss about not liking it when he brought it home to her, she loves to push his buttons, but now it is one of her favorite shirts) but I am still hoping they will see the light and get after their own laundry. Maybe I need to change my angle and talk about presentation in going out into the world. So if you see two children wandering around in dirty clothes that are wrinkled and have a funny order or else really smell strong of cologne that are my children. Feel free to stop and lecture them on the importance of wearing clean clothes and appearances. Just don't tell them I sent you with that message.
Well I must close or I won't get any of the above things done today!!


Julie said...

Mirror over the buffett! It looks great! A haven in the midst of chaos is ok. Have fun with the rest. No hurry. I'll be there with chicken enchiladas waiting for Alex's room.

2 Lazy 2 Grandma said...

Congratulations, the dining room looks great! The other rooms organization will come! You always do such a great job getting your new homes set up for regular living.