Friday, October 28, 2011

what summer is all about...

I am back home in Texas, but I sure do miss my ranch. So I decided to do a few blogs on what the summer is really about...
It is about planting grain the fields. This is my brother planting barley. Of course Rooster king of the ranch is checking it out and making sure he makes his rows straight!! Unfortunately an early snow and rain made the harvest this fall not as good of a harvest as it could have been.
Its about getting cattle ready for summer pasture. Branding, Shots, fly tags and then getting them moved to their summer home. These babies are so cute. They love to go the wrong direction, buck and call for their moms. The moms know where they need to go but getting those babies to go there takes work not only on the moms part but the cowboys part also.
A son who is an amazing, gifted, creative builder of things he just happens to see on the internet. Then takes a piece of metal and makes a beauty piece of art.

And what would a summer be without a wedding!! My niece got married this summer with the Tetons being the backdrop. It was an awesome event. We love her Dear John. It was such a fun day. But more important I love the time I had with my niece through the whole summer.
I just love being at the ranch for the summer, but more important I love being with my family.

1 comment:

Brimaca said...

What a beautiful wedding backdrop. It's so pretty there.