Monday, January 26, 2009

All in a day...

Everyday we head out to the stable to doctor the White Guy. Rooster loves it because there is all kinds of treasures to nibble on. Horse Poop, Horse hooves, sticks, left over horse feed. He gets to run and run and everyone that comes along loves him and throws sticks to him. He always looks at me with the saddest eyes when I tell him to load up(meaning get in the truck)
We also head out to where the other two horses are kept and feed them!!
We have to hydro therapy White Guy 2 times a day. He knows as soon as I show up that it is torture him. We have decided that he is getting so much attention now that he is going to turn into a whimp on us. Next thing you know we will be starting to feed him carrots!! He will be so pampered he might not be able to go back to the rough and tough life of being a ranch horse.

This seems to be what my life entails lately. Horse feed, bales of hay, a step stool, a walker and wheel chair. I am truly enjoying taking care of the horses, but enjoying even more being able to serve my son.

It is really fun where we have White Guy. Our son has made some good friends and everyone that comes along takes time to visit with him and wish him luck in his recovery.

We are getting really close to putting a bid on a house. It is an older home that will need to have alot redone to it. It sits on 2.3 acres, has a swimming pool, a great garden spot, a pecan grove, two horse and storage barns, two horse pastures all of which will require alot of work. But the great part is we can stay in the Ward we are in now, it is close to town, and when finish could really be fun and neat. Our daughter is already planning to have some chickens, the kids are working on their Dad to start a puppy raising business. We start to negotiate tomorrow so I will let you know what happens!!!
Daughter is settle into school. She has switched up some classes. One of which she has switched to band (jazz band and she is hoping they need a piano player instead of clairnet). One of their songs is from Ozzie Osborn.


Alf's boy said...

Glad things are going along. Try not to let eather of the invilids get too soft.

2 Lazy 2 Grandma said...

Glad to see that Matt still has his handsome smile, in spite of his pain and lack of mobility. That's good that Alex is adjusting alright to her new school and classes. Nice to see that Ghost is recovering alright from his fall.

I dunna ken said...

Man kind is Matt so adorable! I was just catching up on the blog and so sad to hear of his fall. I'm so glad that he is on the mend.
Give Alex a big squeezy what a doll she is! I would love to hear her Ozzy song.