Saturday, January 10, 2009


We finally this afternoon have the full report from the Doctor. There will be no surgery!! Yeah that would have involved a plate and many screws. Matt got up and walked this morning and has walked again this afternoon. Not very far but at least he can walk. They are starting to disassemble the many thing that he is hooked up to. It looks like Steve and Matt will be coming home this evening. He won't have any physical Therapy for at least 10 days. We go back up to the Doctor in 10 days for more xrays and test to see how the healing is taking place.
I spent the morning with The White Guy(the horse). His back left leg has really swelled up this past couple of days. He went to the vet today and he has torn a ligament in his back leg. The vet sweat wrapped it.(They put some powerful goop on his leg, then wrap it with a plastic bag, then a cotton bandage, a vet wrap, and then a special wrap that they call 100mph wrap(it is call 100 MPH because it won't come of the critter even in 95MPH winds) We have to leave the wrap on for 48 hours then take it off. Hopefully this will take the swelling out of the leg. He is on stable rest (meaning he will be living in a box stall) for 60 days and then we have to ultra sound it again to determine how the healing has taken place.
The horse will be down almost as long as Matt will. We just can't figure out how he hurt his back leg. Matt seems to think that he hit the hole with his front leg and started to go down then maybe hit it with his back leg and that is when they took the tumble. We will never know we are just thrilled that all that has happened is repairable with time.

Alex spent the day on Friday at one of the schools. It is a small private school with only 23 students in her class. She could walk right onto the basketball team, take a photography class, and have one on one help with what she maybe behind in. So we are still trying to decide if this is the way to go or not.

Of course house hunting has been put on hold. But we are not really worried. Everyone here is starting to lay off employees so we think that the housing market is going to take a tumble.

I just keep thinking the God has a plan for us!! It sure has brought me alot of peace this past couple of days!!!


2 Lazy 2 Grandma said...

We appreciate the updates about Matt. Glad to hear that he doesn't need to have metal attached to his pelvic bones! We are thankful that he (and Ghost, the horse) were not injured more than they were. We hope Alex will be happy and progressive in which ever school she chooses! It's great to have news about the family via your blog whether we are in SV or in warm Dixie, which we arrived at today, says wandering granny.

Alf's boy said...

Good to hear that Matt and pony will be OK it would have been bad to have to shoot him (the horse). Good to know wandering granny is OK too.

Becka said...

I'm glad too to hear that Matt is doing well and won't need surgery. I was also glad to hear Alex is back to school. We miss her! Tell her we love her and good luck with the new school. Sounds like it's small and may be a good fit for her. Good luck with everything my friend! You've known all along the Lord has a plan for you. Sometimes it's just not the "easy" plan! Julie