Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A day to cheer about and laugh about...

To Cheer about...
Yesterday we took White Guy to another vet for a second opinion. They spent some time ultra sounding his leg. The vet declared that the tear in the tendon was truly there. The vet also declared that... it wasn't really major and that it had already started to heal very nicely(meaning that with the quick healing already taking place that there probably wouldn't be alot of scar tissue) So what does this mean. It means that we won't have to do really agressive therapy to try and help with the healing. This would have entailed taking some of his blood, spinning it down, retrieving the platelets and then injecting it into his tendon. But instead, White Guy is on stall rest for two more weeks. Two times a day we need to do hydro therapy (running cold water on the leg). This will help take the final swelling out of the leg, increase the blood flow to help with the healing, and make his leg nice and clean. Then I have to rub some stuff on his leg of which I must use gloves for...
So we are thrilled with the news and was very impressed with the Vet Clinic. It took us an hour to get there but we went through some unique country side. Of which the photo are taken.

Notice the grasshopper in the distance (acutally the oil well) wouldn't you love to have a couple of these on your ranch. Then cattle would just become a hobby!!!

Now to laugh about...
Matt and I left at about 12:30. Alex stayed at home to do some homework. When we pulled up at about 4:00 Alex came right out which I thought was odd. Well she had let Rooster out into the side yard to do his business and forgot about him for about 1/2 hour. Rooster has been working on digging to China in the yard, so Alex stepped out to clean off his feet. She closed the door behind her so Rooster wouldn't run in with yuky feet. Then when she went to go back in... yup you guessed it the house was locked. Someone in our family had locked the lower lock on the door which you can open from the inside with it locked so you don't realize that it is really locked. So she was outside with no key, no phone, NO FOOD, and just her loveable dog. So she made a grass ankle braclet, disected a weed, disected a flower, counted the weeds, countded the leaves that were on the ground, and caught a suntan (because guess what the sun always shines here!!!!), and just basically was bored for about 3 hours. Well then I ran to Steve's car at the office and got the garage door opener and guess what the kitchen door was locked also. I was frustrated, Alex and hungry, Rooster was clueless, and Matt was tired. The rental company came and saved us. The sad part is now Alex is up this early morning at 3:00 am doing home work to be ready for school this morning. How do I know this because unfortunately I am up also and can't go back to sleep. Thus the blog is being updated!!!!


2 Lazy 2 Grandma said...

We're thankful that White Guy's leg is doing so well and that the therapy will not be as extensive as earlier predicted. That's too bad that Alex locked herself out of the house, when she need those 3 hours for schoolwork. The photos look familiar to what we saw in 1998 when we were in your area.

Alf's boy said...

Looks flat.

Julie said...

Oh Alex! At least it was warm. We miss you and hope you love your new school. It's not the same here without you. We miss our other daughter!