Thursday, September 17, 2009

I am so touched...

This past couple of weeks I have really been struggling with my health again. Through this struggle I have daily checked in on a blog of someone whose health struggles are much more serious. He has truly been an inspiration to me. I am amazed and so touched by his words, attitude and thoughts. I prayed desperately for him that he would receive his new heart, and just sobbed when I read that he did. I have tried to take his words into my heart and to have an understanding of our trials and that they are a blessing in our lives. It amazes me how sometimes we come across someone in our lives who we don't even know personally, and yet they can have such an impact on our lives, our thoughts, and attitudes.
Enjoy spending some time on his blog
and then his website of music.
May who he is and what he create be as much of an inspiration to you as it has been to me.


Brimaca said...

Isn't he amazing?

Julie said...

I am so sorry to hear about your health! It is good to get a perspective on our trials by seeing how others deal with theirs and drawing strength from them. Hang in there. We love you!