Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Night at the Oscars....

We have the most awesome young women's presidency. They did the young women's in excellence program last night. It was called the night at the OSCARS. And what a night it was...
This is my daughter getting ready to walk the RED carpet...

Hamming it up on the red carpet. They had photographers there snapping pictures constantly.
Sending kisses to the crowd.
The leaders presented each young woman with an OSCAR (The statue presents the OSCAR) The leader would stand and call out the category and then of course with much anticipation would announce the winner. Then the recipient would come forward and share about her project.
This was our daughter's category. Her project was based upon her pillowcases for cancer kids sewing project that she did.
This is the whole group and they are an awesome group!!!

It was a black tie affair so of course our daughter talked her Dad into really making it a black tie affair. As soon as the young women saw him they cheered and shouted their approval of his black tie dress. They make a very beautiful and handsome pair even if I say so myself.


2 Lazy 2 Grandma said...

Congratulations to Alex for her Compassionate Seamstress OSCAR! She definitely deserves it. Such a lovely picture of Alex and Steve, dressed fancy!

Delcie said...

That was a wonderful night! Alex was awesome and I have to say, I too, loved Steve's tie!!