Friday, February 27, 2009

White Guy update...

We traveled up to the vet which is about an hour away. This guy is the best around for leg injuries. We were thrilled with the news. They can't see any tears in the tendon. Which means that is has healed completely. BUT it is also right now very easy to re injure if too much exercise if given right now. So he still has to be on stall rest for a couple more weeks. Exercise 15-20 minutes everyday (walking). Then in two weeks we can turn him out into the pasture with the other horses. It won't be until the first of April until he can be rode really consistent and hard. Which will be great because horse and rider ought to be ready to ride at the same time. Which will save me having to ride everyday!!

ONLY 26 more days and the moving van will pull up in front of our new home (well it is an old home built in 1996 not really that old compared to the old home we moved out of which was built in 1736, but it is new to us just wanted to clarify that!!) It seems like we have been at this moving thing forever!! It has been 5 months going on 6 so that maybe is forever!!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Pictures of the HOUSE, not the HORSE!