Thursday, July 16, 2009

What is happening on the ranch...

My nephew riding his motorbike. Our daughter riding the 4-wheeler, although this year she bought a motorbike and is learning how to ride it.
Salting cattle up on the hill, and making sure they are doing well, and that the babies are growing.
My husband having and allergy attack. He forgot to start his drops a couple of weeks ago. He started them yesterday and his eyes were almost swollen shut last night and itchy so he will have a few miserable days on the ranch.
Our daughter reading a book and just relaxing.
Our daughter cleaning the house to get ready for her dad and his friend coming, but wait those don't look like cleaning utensils!! They look more like toys. Ok what is going on is she deceiving us. Knowing our daughter she already has the work done and it just having fun.
My other nephew riding his motorbike. Although a couple of weeks ago he took a tumble and I am not sure if he is back on his bike.
My dad on his trusty 4-wheeler!!
And of course it is that time of year when all the hay needs to come down, be bailed, hauled and tucked away for winter.
You know as I write this I realize that the same thing always happens every summer on the ranch. I guess what changes is that each year I am a year old, wiser probably not, but definitely a year older!!

1 comment:

Delcie said...

It looks like you guys are having a fun time! I'm sorry to hear that Steve is having a hard time. It always puts a little damper on the fun when someone is down for the count! I hope he feels better, soon! Have a great time! See you soon!