Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Night out...

We decided to load up at the last minute and head to the Drive-Inn Movie. Our daughter called our West Texas Grandma and of course she was game to go. (She always is and we love having her come along)
This is blurry but they are getting the home theater seats in place and ready to go. Notice how light it is.
Now notice the light this is just within a few minutes!! Still arrange the home theater seats.
Ok we are still arranging. There were some technical difficulties with the seats!!
In place and ready to go. They fun part is they play music and you just sit and visit until they start the movie. The mosquitoes were just starting to come out, but then a breeze kick up and they vanished!! Yeah!! You would think in the West Texas that sitting outside at the theater would be miserable, but that is the great thing about the desert as soon as the sun goes a breeze kicks in and it cools right off. Well most nights anyway!
This is a fun picture!! Our daughter watching the movie, the sunset in the background, and the picture screen just right there.
This is even better. Oh by the way we went to see Ice Age 3. It was a really fun night and we have decided that we need to go more often. Especially since it is getting darker earlier!! But we decided to head home after the first feature. (They play two features) Our daughter had already seen Harry Potter, I don't really like those movies, My husband and West Texas Grandma haven't seen the others so they would have been lost. Not to mention is was already about 11:00pm and remember I turn into a pumpkin by 11:15!!


Delcie said...

It looks like a wild and crazy night! Can you have any other kind with Dorothy around?! I hope the movie was fun!

Tricia said...

I love Dorothy!!! She is such an awesome woman! Tell her Hi for me!! Looks like a fun night!