Friday, November 7, 2008


When you are riding a horse SPURS can make a difference one way or the other!! They can either help get a horse to something you want it to or else they can help a horse to decide he doesn't want to do what you want him to do and decide he also doesn't want you on his back!!
My nephew Justin made these spurs. He has been very blessed to work for a gentleman who has taught him how to make spurs. (They are working on making bits now) I am not sure of the process specifically but I have seen the spurs at different stages. They first started out as just a piece of thick metal. Then there was involved forging and shaping, inlaying of silver, coloring the metal and many many more steps. These spurs will cost about $250.00 or more in a store. I am trying to talk by nephew into making me a pair. But I am sure with my horse that I would get bucked off. So I will just admire his!!

This is the talented young man who made the spurs.

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