Sunday, March 22, 2009


The sun will come out tomorrow bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow the family will be so excited to be able to FINALLY start to move in!!! Tomorrow we do our walk through, have carpets cleaned, appliances delivery, rent house moved out of. Tuesday morning the moving van arrives with everything (or at least we hope everything. It all got transferred from our container into storage and sometimes things get eternally lost in storage, but we are hopeful.) Then Wednesday they come back and help us unwrap and unbox everything.

The cowboy in our family has already decided tonight is his last night in the yuky rent home. He is rolling out his bedroll tomorrow night in the new house. Of course he will have to use his cot because he wouldn't be able to sleep on the floor with his injury. (He is still very sore sometimes and he doesn't have a lot of stamina yet) The rest of us hope to be able to sleep there on Tuesday but definately by Wednesday.

I think our daughter put it perfectly a couple of nights ago she said she was so excited to move in I asked her specifically why. She said she will just be excited for the feeling that comes with being in our own home and being settled. From the mouth of babes!!

This has really be a very stressful, difficult time. I think this has been our hardest move. We have had to adjust to a new country, a new culture, the shock of not being pampered expats anymore, the acutal cost of living back in the states, the major decisions of house buying, car buying, appliance buying, taking care of a son with a serious injury, new schools and everything else.

I do have to say that there have been so many blessings. Renewed friendships, the gospel heard in English, our son living with us and renewing our relationship with him, the sunshine, a stronger developed family unity, a brother sister strengthen relationship, a daughter who made the honor roll even with everything crazy around her and soon a home of our own. The blessings are so numerous it is almost impossible to count them all. Today in church I gave a lesson on adversity. As I was preparing the lesson the message that kept being said was that by going through adversity that we become closer to being the person that God needs us to be. That we should be grateful for our adversities.
I just want you to know that I am very very grateful for this block of time in my life and all that it is bringing to me and my little family.