Saturday, June 11, 2011

What Rooster loves to do at the ranch...

Ride in his Uncle Dan's big semi. " My Uncle Dan let me sleep in his sleeper area"
Take an afternoon rest in Grandpa car port area.
When a guys thirst thank heavens there is a cow water trough saves time on me running to the house to get a drink from my bowl.
Went to the Snake River Ranch with Uncle Dan. Meet some country folk. But they didn't play fair. When a ball got thrown one would try and beat me to the ball and another would be biting me so I couldn't beat his friend. I just finally gave up and let them chase the ball. The biting hurt!
Janson you aren't getting that calf caught do you need me to step in and get him caught?
Ok Grandpa how many more miles of fence do we need to fix before we turn the cows out?
Please Uncle Dan let me ride in the tractor with you!!!
Ok I ready for my four wheeler ride. In my seat ready to go.
I know if they would let me get under this gate I could chase those calves and cows into where they need to be going. Why are they telling me to stay and lay here!!!

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