Wednesday, November 23, 2011

workin day on the ranch...

Alex out in the middle of all of it trying to herd the cows into a pen.
Today was a preg test day at the ranch to help determine which cows to hold over and which ones to sell.Steve was a gate worker opening gates and sending the open cows ones not pregnant one way and the pregnant ones another direction.

Yes, those cows are finally getting which gate it is that they are supposed to go into to.
Matt trudging across the mucky manurey corral with Loraine in the background watch him make the move.
Loraine standing watch over those pesky cows.
Dan in the mist of them trying to figure out how to get those darn cows moving and not just milling around.
Dan with his apron and rubber sleeve on for preg checking the cows.

Brayden and Matt standing watch in the corral.


Katie said...

Brrr... it looks super cold!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Julie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to the Whiteside family! Ok, that sleeve was yucky on your brother. :)