Saturday, June 13, 2009

They struck...

This afternoon my son and I had to go get horse hay from the feed store. While we were gone his good friends and his sister did a number on his workshop. They decided that it definitely was too plain and that it needed some added feminine touches.
I think these are supposed to be like the elegant curtains that hang from the ceiling and circle the bed. (only here they circle to cot and the bedroll) Trust me the cot and the bedroll are in there somewhere.
They added curtains. The sheer kind.
They left him a smiley face, so he wouldn't feel so lonely while he was working.
They thought his weight bench needed some added interior design. Wait is that really a weight bench under there?

I sent him out to his shop for something thinking that he would come back in and say something about it. He didn't. About 30 minutes later he started to tease his sister about it. The two friends acted dumb like they didn't know what was going on. He continued to tease his sister. Then one of the friend couldn't stand the sister taking the blame so she jumped into help by saying "but I had your keys remember" the look on her face was precious. She realized she had just incriminated herself while trying to protect the sister. We all just cracked up!!
I just love having young single adults in our home. They bring so much laughter, fun, and joy into our lives.
These two really keep my son on his toes!!

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