Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Weekend Treat

As a kid I remember my mom and my aunt making homemade ice cream. It was always so creamy and delicious. Ice cream wasn't really a big treat for us because my uncle worked for an ice cream company and we always had 2 or 5 five gallon containers in our freezer. But when mom and auntie made homemade ice cream it was special. They were always experimenting with what they put in it. Fruit, chocolate, mint candy etc. (sometimes I don't think we dared asked what they put into it!! But it was always delicious!!!) It was almost as special as the homemade rootbeer they used to make. (that is another story for another day)

With living out of the country I could never find an ice cream maker. When my aunt and uncle visited one time I mentioned it in passing. That year for Christmas we got an awesome ice cream maker in the mail.

It was hard to make ice cream in Norway because a secret ingredient was missing. (Or maybe I just could never figure out what it was!!!) But here is the secret ingredient...
Can you guess which one it might be... Well vanilla is a good try but no we could get what we called vanilla sugar over there. Actually now that I have cooked with Norwegian vanilla sugar I preferred it to the liquid vanilla. The missing ingredient was Half and Half!!!!! I tried to make the ice cream with watered down cream in Norway but it just didn't taste right.

We have some fun traditions in our family. Friday night is pizza, video night. So this Saturday I decided that I would start a new tradition. Saturday night ice cream!! I actually made two batches. One for us and one for my son's friends family.

I made vanilla. That is what my family loves the most. But next week LOOK OUT!! It was enjoyed by all of my family. I am already thinking of what crazy kind I can come up with next week. Maybe cantaloupe, peppermint, cookies and cream...
Hey if you are thinking about storming our house for some... come on over we can make plenty!!!


Becka said...

I'm so there.... in a couple of months. We're in Lisbon right now and nice cold icecream sounds absolutely divine!

larshannon said...

That looks delicious. My dad won a ward ice cream contest once by buying a gallon of Braum's vanilla ice cream and mixing in peaches. What a recipe, huh!